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Anulom Vilom is an important Pranayama. It is a simple and beneficial breathing exercise that strengthens the respiratory system. This Pranayama also affects the brain. In this article, we will describe "What is Anulom Vilom Pranayama? And what are its benefits?"

Table of Contents :-

• What is Anulom Vilom Pranayama?
• How to do Anulom Vilom?
• Precautions for this pranayama.
• Its benefits.

What is Anulom Vilom?

In the practice of yoga, Anulom-Vilom is an effective pranayama. It's a very simple practice that anyone can easily do. There are many benefits to this simple pranayama.

It enhances the benefits of Kapalbhati. It should be practiced after Kapalbhati. It strengthens the respiratory system and balances the body's energy. It is effective for the brain.

Definition of Anulom Vilom :- 

In Sanskrit, "Anulom" means 'right', and "Vilom" means 'left'. In this Pranayama, we affect the left and right nostrils, which is why it is called "Anulom Vilom".

The left nostril is called the Chandra Nadi, and the right nostril is called the Surya Nadi. The left nostril cools the body, while the right nostril provides heat (energy) to the body. Anulom Vilom helps balance both the Nadis.

(For more details, see the Hindi version of this article :- अनुलोम-विलोम प्राणायाम।)

How to do Anulom Vilom and its benefits.

The method of doing this Pranayama is very simple. In this breathing exercise, inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Then inhale from the right and exhale from the left.

Method of Anulom Vilom :-

• Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana position.

• Keep the spine and neck straight.

• Keep the left hand on the knee in 'Gyan Mudra'.

• Keep the right hand near the nose in 'Pranayama Mudra'.

• Close the right nostril with the right thumb.

• Inhale through the left nostril.

• After inhaling completely, close the left nostril.

• Exhale through the right nostril.

• After exhaling completely, inhale through the right nostril.

• After inhaling completely, exhale through the left nostril.

• This completes one round. Repeat this action for another round.

Precautions for Anulom Vilom.

• This is an easily performed Pranayama, but it should be done according to one's capacity.

• While doing this Pranayama, keep the spine and neck straight.

• Keep your eyes closed.

•If you are unable to sit in "Padmasana" or "Sukhasana," perform it by sitting on a chair.

Benefits of Anulom Vilom.

• This Pranayama is beneficial for the respiratory system.

• It activates the lungs.

• It increases the oxygen level in the body.

• This Pranayama strengthens the heart and is effective for the brain.

• This breathing exercise helps to maintain normal blood pressure.

• It is more effective after Kapalbhati and enhances the benefits of Kapalbhati.

• This Pranayama affects the "Ida" and "Pingala."

• It is helpful for meditation.

Article Summary :- Anulom Vilom Pranayama is an effective breathing exercise that is simple and beneficial. It should be done after Kapalbhati for optimal results.

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