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Cow-Pose (Gomukhasana) is an important Asana in Yoga. This asana is beneficial for shoulders and neck. It is an effective posture for cervical. What is the method of performing this Asana? What are its benefits and precautions? All these will be described in this article.

(Read Hindi version of this article :- गोमुखासन.)

Table of contents :-

• Method of the Cow-Pose.
• Benefits of the Cow-Pose.
• Precautions of the Cow-Pose.


Cow-Pose for shoulders and neck.

This is an effective posture for the cervical region, shoulders and neck. It affects the upper part of the spine.

Cow-Pose: Its method, benefits and precautions.

The pose of this Asana is made like the face of a cow. That's why it is called Cow-Pose. This Asana is performed in a sitting position.

Method of the Cow-Pose.

Sit on the yoga-met. Bend the left knee. Place the left leg under the right thigh. Bend right leg and place it on the left thigh.

Raise the right hand. Keep the right elbow up. Point the right hand towards the right shoulder. Keep the left hand on the back. Try to join both the hands on back. Stay in this position according to your capacity. And come back.

Straighten both the legs and take a rest. Change the position of the hands and legs and perform the same exercise from the other side.

Benefits of the Cow-Pose.

  • This Asana affects the upper part of the spine, shoulders and neck.
  • It is beneficial for cervical.
  • It removes back-pain and shoulders-pain.


This is a beneficial Yogasana. But it should be done with some precautions.

  • Keep the spine and neck straight.
  • Perform this Asana from both sides.
  • Do not perform this Asana, if there is a problem in the spine, shoulders and neck.
  • Perform this Asana according to your capacity.
  • Do not perform this Asana forcefully. Do it easily.
Article summery :-

Cow Pose is a beneficial Yogasana for shoulders and neck. It affects the upper part of spine.

Disclaimer :--

The purpose of this article is not to cure any kind of diseases. The purpose of this article is to give the information about Yogasana. The exercise mentioned in this article is only for healthy people.

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